Fully Funded Strategic Planning Workshop

20th March 2017 - 21st March 2017

Fully Funded Strategic Planning Workshop

Location: 3M Buckley Innovation Centre Firth St Huddersfield HD1 3BD

Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm

Are you a small to medium sized business?

Do you have an ambition to…


Develop new products or services?

Improve existing processes or investigate new market opportunities?

YES! Then this fully funded 2 day workshop can help you.

The workshop will help you to redefine your business proposition by highlighting barriers to growth and identifying opportunities for change. By the end of the workshop you will have developed a tailored Action Plan for your organisation which will plot activity for the coming financial year and provide an internal assessment of company strengths or areas for development.

How it works?

Day 1 (20th March): An experienced RTC adviser will guide you through a Business Model Canvas, a visual strategic management tool that will help you to map, discuss, design and invent new business models by defining your business activities on one page. On completion, your bespoke canvas will identify opportunities for growth and help you to respond to changing market conditions.

Day 2 (21st March): Using the information collected during day one, we will work with you to either:

  • Investigate your “value proposition” further in order to understand your customers’ needs and design the products and services they want or;
  • Investigate how you can apply key Lean tools and techniques to analyse how internal processes are performing, in order to identify and prioritise process improvements.

MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/growing-your-business-in-2017-strategic-planning-workshop-yorkshire-tickets-32217447252


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