Location: London and by webinar
Time: 10.00-12.30
A final reminder regarding to nuclear competition Briefing Event to be held on 19th March, 10.00-12.30 in London and by webinar, for which you must pre-register. Numbers are strictly limited for both the live and webinar events, so please register as soon as possible.
To register to attend and receive joining instructions for the live event in London on 19th March click here
To register and receive instructions to join the event by webinar on 19th March click here.
The competition formally opens on Monday 17th March and you will be able to register to apply and download the application forms, guidance for applicants, etc from the morning of 17th at the following links:- for the feasibility competition and CRD competition.
We look forward to seeing you in London or to you joining us by webinar on 19th March