Radioactivity contamination of groundwater

8th September 2014 - 10th September 2014

Location: IAEA, Vienna

IAEA has invited speakers from the international community to speak about their experience of radionuclide contamination of groundwater to give representatives from Fukushima a view of world experience.

Planned list of presentations:

  • BUGAY, Dimitri. Groundwater contamination following the Chernobyl accident: overview of monitoring data, assessment of radiological risks and analysis of remedial measures.
  • SCHWARTZ, Franklin W. Tritium Contamination at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Lessons Learned from Science and Social Perspectives.
  • SMITH, Leslie. Hydrologic Controls on Solute Fluxes in Transient Flow Regimes: Lessons from Chernobyl Ukraine and the Marine Intertidal Zone.
  • TOYGUCHI, Yoshiyuki. The situation at Fukushima Daiichi NPS and various government initiatives.
  • OHNISHI, Yuzo. Summary of the measures for contaminated water that the Committee compiled.
  • MARUI, Atsunao. Geomorphology and geology around the Fukushima Daiichi NPS.
  • SAEGUSA, Hiromitsu. Validation of groundwater flow simulation model by the Committee
  • NISHIGAKI, Makoto. Groundwater simulation model for considering about countermeasures.
  • HAGIWARA, Yoshitaka. Introduction of each countermeasure for contaminated water treatment.
  • ONDA, Yuichi. Time changes in radiocesium wash-off from various land uses and transport through river networks after the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident.
  • HAYASHI, Seiji. Behaviour of radioactive cesium accumulation in water bodies in contaminated area by FDNPP accident.
  • MORI, Koji. Multiscale watershed modelling for Fukushima-derived radionuclide redistribution.
  • KASHIWAGI, Saisuke. Preliminary future predictions and visualizations of radiocesium fate and transport in the surrounding areas.
  • TSUJIMURA Maki. Dynamics of radio cesium released by Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident in hydrological cycle of groundwater, surface water and spring water in the headwater catchments.

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